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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Weekend  CBS  May 19, 2012 6:00am-8:00am EDT

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i think without a doubt, wait preakness in maryland, it would be devastating personally and professionally. >> reporter: there will still be plenty of activities downtown. >> >> as thousands head down to
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pimlico, many will opt to leave their cars at home. mark is here with more on ways to make it to the race >> if you are heading to pimlico -- take advantage of services. light rail is an option for points north and south. from there, with your $3.50 pacifickests, for points east or west of the city, that's when you take metro to the roger's avenue station. there is a park and ride express bus service directly to pimelic. it will only cost you $3.50 for an all day pass. >> > >> all right, mark, thank you.
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one well-known jockey will not be at the race, hall-of-famer -- banned from the race after he failed a breathlyzer test yesterday. he was supposed to ride under armour ce o, tiger walk. teen quickly relace placed him and found ramone doe menages who said riding it will be an easy feat. >> i don't need a whole lot of time to prepare. you just try to focus on your horse and get the most out of it. >> >> and four maryland horses will run in today's preakness >> right now. the most powerful politicians are in maryland, meeting at camp david to discuss top national issues and the g8 summit. >> president obama breathed them last night. this weekend, they will talk
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about everything from the european financial crisis to the war in afghanistan. >> reporter: in the past, g8 summits have seen violent clashes on the street, but not at this one. protesters were supposed to occupy the small town of thurman, but so far, not many
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have shown up. >> what is your message to the g8 leaders in the mountains up here? >> we would love for them to show compassion in every decision they make. >> >> reporter: bus loads of protesters are arriving in chicago. the g8 represents the most powerful economies in the world, france, germany, japan among the elite leaders here. >> >> we are facing nuclear war -- >> we are not going to violate anyone's first amendment rights. >> reporter: the town had special securities in place. thank you, mary. most of the leaders are part of
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several national coalitions. baltimore detectives say they spent months trying to stop a crime spree in the city, now, they have made the last arrest in a case that involves drugs, murder and violent crimes. police teamed up with dea agents who arrested 14 people detectives say were part of a year long cycle of violence. they are suspected after carrying out two murders six drug deals -- the largest roundup in recent histories >> the state's highest court >> good morning, proponents say the appeals court realing is a step in the right direction for legalizing same sex marriage here in maryland. for years, jessica has been trying to divorce her partner.
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>> we both wanted closure, we both want to move toward. >> reporter: in 2010, a judge refused grant the divorce because he doesn't consider the two women legally married. now, the court of appeals unanimously overturned that. this decision is incredible. it effects all kinds of rights married couples have. >> reporter: the governor who signed the bill legalizing same sex marriage said the court's ruling is a step forward. >> other states have found ways to protect the rights of individuals equally in civil mare ran and our state needs to do the same. >> reporter: opponents disagree. a spokesperson tells "wjz" this is merely an example of how the court and legislature continue to be out of step with the clear will of the people. the group said they have two-
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thirds of the signatures they need to put same sex marriage to referendum or admit it will be a fight in september. >> for now, i can be thankful that maryland, the state i live in and work in is moving forward in the right direction. . thank you, megan. the law legalizing same sex marriage stays intact. same sex couples can begin to tie the knot in january. >> we are going to the finish line. the preakness. we have great weather ahead >> it is going to be a gorgeous day. starting out very nice. in the 50s, going up from here. this is an spf, 30, 45040, 50, 60-day. folks going out need to be
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aware we have sunshine and blue skies. hardly any breeze out there and then it's going to be straight sunshine for hours and hours and hours. a gorgeous day, beautiful day, but one you have to pay attention to we are talking 80 degrees. it will be a stellar day for the preakness. by the time the event starts, 6:00 or 6:30, we'll be down to 70 degrees. partly sunny conditions, with the very light breeze. it will be a really really nice day. 50 degrees. 49, now we have dropped one degree. since i checked 10 minutes ago, temperatures will start to go up. relative humidity, 86%.
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high pressure solidly in control of our forecast. right now, temperatures rangenning low to upper 40s across parts of the area. 45 in oakland. 47 in cumberland and then we start to get into the 50s in parts of the region. 56 in dc. 50 -- 49 in west mintier and bel aire. 59 in annapolis. winds are calm there at the airport. a bit of the north component to the wind. north wind at hagerstown. northeast wind in easten. that will be the case pretty much throughout the day. we'll warm up with the help of the sunshine. winds will be coming in north are and northeast, look at that. psych dell lick here, going on. we are dealing with a low pressure system at the carolina
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coastline. we'll be watching over the next couple of days as this system is moving in from the lakes. it's spinning and it will progress to the east. after it gets close enough. it will start to pull in moisture from the ocean. that system will be lingering off the coastline. what we'll be watching over the next several days is this whole area starting to fill in. temperatures stay very pleasant. we'll be around the 80-degree range. but then the rain will be with us. we'll have to watch it throughout the week to see when we will get the showers, but we expect off and on showers throughout the week at least through thursday, within that chance, there will be some thunderstorms embedded there. but we'll exjoin today and tomorrow no advisories on the bay, going up to 80 degrees. beautiful with some clouds but a lot of sun, mainly clearing
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tonight. tomorrow, 0 degrees. clouds will start to fill in later in the day. a chance of showers after midnight and then monday, tuesday, wednesday, look for chances of rain, 74 monday, 80 tuesday. 80 on wednesday. 82 on thursday so the temperatures stay comfortable and neck week is memorial day weekend and folks will be celebrating, we'll keep a close eye on that forecast for you as well. . still to come, failure to launch an early morning space flight does not go as planned, we'll explain why. >> >> blown away, a camera rolls as a tornado ripped through a midwest building. details coming up. >> >> first, here are your winning lottery numbers. good luck. . ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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welcome back on this saturday morning. may 19th. it is preakness day here in baltimore. the second jewel of the triple crown. hill top will be very, very busy. we'll be taking you there live in the next hour. high pressure is shaping
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up. bringing us nice fair conditions. very dry, sunshine, blue skies, a very light breeze coming in from the northeast courtty of that high. today, going up to 80 degrees. just around 50 degrees. we'll go up gradually, beautiful with some clouds, but mostly a day full of sunshine. 55 degrees tonight. mainly clear and tomorrow, 80 degrees. clouds will start to thicken, going into the evening with a chance of showers overnight. tomorrow, a very nice day. we'll have your five-day forecast first warning forecast coming up in a few minutes. >> >> thanks, tim. we are getting a look at newly released surveillance video from a hospital in joplin, missouri. showing exactly what happens when last may's powerful tornado hit. you can see how the furniture in the waiting room was thrown around and destroyed. eventually, the twister ripped the camera from the wall. tuesday will be the first day of the anniversary of that
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tornado in joplin.. >> an incredible scene in houston as a church goes up in flames. watch as the wall collapses from the intensity of that blaze, right there. a nearby daycare was safely evacuated, but several roads had to be closed. firefighters say no one was injured an the cause of the blaze is still under investigation. parents at a school are voicing their outreach after teacher was arrested for committing lewd acts with a child. parents were told about the accusations at the meeting. but one parent said the information ended up doing more harm than good. >> it didn't put parents at ease
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and the way it was brought to everyone's attention slight everyone >> everyone's attention split -- . while many of us on this coast were sleeping, a big time playoff game underway. oklahoma city thunder firing on all cylinders as they looked to take a three-game lead. but kobe bryant and company had other plans. they were almost perfect from the freethrow line. 99-96. the thunder leads this series two games to one
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coming up next on "eyewitness news" saturday morning. so much fun you almost forget it's educational. more on the new addition to the maryland science center >> now is a time to get a jump start on your child's college savings. >> go to "wjz" dot come and enter to win $1,000 in a savings plan at the maryland account. it's the college savings plan of maryland. we are back in a moment. . ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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0 degrees today. clouds increase late tomorrow with a chance of showers very late after midnight and 74 on monday. that's the first day of real rain. we could have thunderstorms then. 80 on tuesday and wednesday with a chance of scattered showers, 30% chance and we hope to see some clearing by thursday >> maryland science center keeps growing and growing. it is once again expanding what it has to offer. >> monique has more on the grant that will soon put energy information in students hands. >> >> keeping kids attention and getting them to learn isn't easy unless you are the maryland science center. i think it's kind of fun and cool to learn all of these things. >> i think it's fun and i like
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to go lear. >> soon, the center that has educational opportunities will be expands in the form of a new energy exhibit. >> what i call the eco system of electricity. general conservation of electricity. >> reporter: what do you know about electricity? >> not much, really. >> reporter: this is being funded by a grant -- >> catch kids when they are young, great things can happen. >> reporter: the science center's goal has been to teach kids something new and to offer them new exhibits. this will be no difference. >> when you can physically do something, you are more apartment to learn. >> so far, their plan seems to be working. the new exhit is expected
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to open up in 18-24 months. still ahead on "eyewitness news," break out your preakness outfits and hats. we are a few seconds away -- what this race means for maryland >> facebook makes the stock market debut. did it live up to the hype? good morning, reporting from the g8 summit near camp david, a full report, coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to "eyewitness news" saturday morning. i'm gigi barnett. >> >> temperatures around 50 degrees with a good day of sunshine and very light breeze out there. gorgeous start to what will be a beautiful day. the weekend, great overall. bright calm conditions right now and for the most part, things are quiet, but that little stretch right there will pick up as i'm sure all stretches around the city will. taking a look, all of the horses are here. we'll take you live to the preakness stakes. right now, temperatures going up to 80 degrees, beautiful with sunshine, clouds, a few
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high thin ones, mainly -- clouds and sun, but mostly clouds by late in the day. still a gorgeous day in store for your sunday. your complete forecast coming up as you mentioned, all eyes on baltimore today as the facial's top thoroughbreds felt on the track for the 137th running of the preakness stakes. kai jackson has more on the excitement building in baltimore. >> reporter: with summer-like weather, tens of thousands of people, preakness week got off to a great start. >> so much energy in the air. so cool to see the female jockeys, so talented. having a wonderful time. the sure bet is the steady stream of revenue. the 137th running of preakness stakes puts baltimore in the
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national spotlight. so do events leading up to that day. >> this is an invaluable piece of our ongoing promotion of the city. >> >> reporter: hotels are booked. the new four seasons says it is 90% full. in recent years, the future of the peekness preakness stakes -- the race, graduation and prom all generating billions of dollars. >> without a doubt, without the preakness in maryland, it will be devastating, personally and professionally. >> reporter: even with downtown hotels booked, there will still be plenty of activity. .
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facebook's first day of trading falls flat, despite all of the hype. shares returned to their initial offering price, leaving investors 23% richer. the company's plan to make more money for shareholders doesn't appear as clear to tech rivals like google >> well, despite the modest opening. ceo mark zuckerberg made more than $1 billion on paper. >> >> nearly 200 pages of couples, photos, video and ought yo' recordings, all evidence in the trayvon martin case. mark strassman is going through it all as he reports for "wjz" from tampa. >> >> reporter: in this surveillance video, trayvon martin had 20 minutes to live. he left a convenience store
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with skittles and iced tea and headed into a fatal confrontation with george zimmerman. in this evidence file, details of the fatal fight spill into public view for the first time. crime scene photos show the immediate aftermath -- . . nearby, his nine millimeter gun, cartridge, lying on the ground, martin's cell phone. paramedics found him lying on his stomach. the can of iced tea still cold in his pocket. they flipped him over to perform cpr unsuccessfully for six minutes. . martin -- he was shot through the heart. burn powder suggested that zimmerman shot him from no more than 18 inches away. the gunshot trajectory -- a
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bruise around his eye, scarring on both hands. no eye witness saw the shot, but an unidentified man said he saw martin beating on zimmerman. >> the one guy on top in the black hoody, throwing down blows kind of mma style. >> reporter: but officers say three times zimmerman refused to go to 79 hospital. an early sanford police report maintains the confrontation was ultimately avoidable by zimmerman. if he had waited in his vehicle and awaited the arrival of the police officer >> a baltimore county man recovering after police say, "hi," son stabbed him multiple times. it happened last night. investigators say his father who was in his mid-50s and his 23-year-old son got into an argument. by the time they found he arrived, they found multiple
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stab wounds. charges right now are pending against the son >> some of the world's most powerful politicians, meeting at camp david for a second day to talk about important issues and the g8 summit. the president obama welcomed leaders last night, today, they will continue talks about everything from the european financial crisis to the war in afghanistan. mary is live in frederick county with the latest developments from the summit. >> reporter: good morning, security incredibly tight at camp david. g8 summit well underway. today's issue that is on the table, the war in afghanistan, along with the world economic crisis. most powerful leaders in the world in one of the mother secure and see included places on earth, camp david. roads leading to the retreat are shut down. a "no-fly" zone with a 30-mile
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raidious over western maryland is in place with fighter jets ready to respond to any threats. in the past, g8 summits have seen violent clashes on the street, but not this a point. since they can't occupy camp david, protesters were supposed to occupy a small town nearby. instead of camping out, bus loads of protesters are arriving in chicago for the nato summit which will draw the g8 leaders and dozens starting sunday. the g8 represents among the most elite leaders. >> if that continues, we are facing nuclear war. >> >> reporter: leading protester, even in small numbers --
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>> we are not going to violate anybody's first amendment rights and i hope they don't violate our rights of peace and order. . . "wjz" "eyewitness news" >> thank you, mary. most of the leaders are part of overlapping coalitions formed to address the iranian nuclear problems and the crisis in syria. >> >> a new private rocket remains grounded after an aborted launch at the last-minute. the rocket failed to launch because of technical problem. the unmanned rocket was supposed to deliver supplies to the international space station. the next launch date will be tuesday if the problem with be cleared up in time >> a maryland toddler nearly drowned in a family bathtub. might have died if not for the
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calm 9-1-1 operator that talked the grandmother through cpr. the voice on the other end of the line was none other than the voice of baltimore orioles. >> my granddaughter has drowned, she's not responding. >> reporter: with this frantic call came into the prince gorge's jointy 9-1-1 call center, it was david mcgowan that picked up the line. >> give her two breaths and 30 more pumps. keep going. this is very important. >> >> reporter: still technically a trainee was suddenly thrust into the a life and death bet battle. his biggest weapon, his steady bear tone voice and i he used it to help the grandmother. >> david has a great voice, calming technique. >> a calming voice many baseball fans know as well. -- . map i was also the stadium
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announcer for the baltimore orioles until i started here. >> reporter: for 14 seasons, david mcgowan was the voice of camden yards and baltimore orioles. he retired in january and said he looked for a job where he could help people. he probably never thought he could save a life. >> he said "the baby is breathing" and i said, great, i made the right job choice >> the laurel police department is investigating the accident, they say that the child's grandmother was distracted and left her alone for 10 minutes before she was found underwater. >> >> turning to sports where the nationals become the latest to feel the heat from the orioles good start. o's have won eight straight road games and have the best
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record in the american league >> battle of the beltway. they are playing, of course, a gee game series down the highway. if you want to go catch them. travel 95. . it's also time to take a look at the preakness.
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you saw the forecast, high of 80 degrees. 0 degrees today our forecast high. lazy susan, i'm told with you gigi's horse. very nice. boy, this is a tough crowd. partly cloudy around race time, 77 degrees at post time and we are looking at a bit of a northeast wind, fast track we'll call it. very dry. very nice day at the infield, 49 right now, going up from here. obviously, 45 was the dew point. winds are calm, 30-16 barometer
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reading, around the state, temperatures in the mid-40s. 45 in cumberland, we have 52 in -- 56 in dc. 54 in ocean city. 50 in west mintier. 49 in columbia. winds are calm at the airport. a bit of a north component. very nice northeast wind. northwest wind, a bit of a northeast wind around cumberland, so you get the idea, a very light wind out there, right now, temperatures around the entire area are going to be in the 0-degree range, so, those drastic changes anywhere up and down the east coast. the only changes come as you go down toward the scare line in coastline with this low pressure system. pretty stationary off the outer banks. that will be sitting there for a lyle while.
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it will be there through the beginning of the week. what is going to happen as it impacts us, it will start to eventually make its way up the coastline. this front moving from the west is going to movie and start to fill up the blains. it extends from the great lakes across the plains and back towards texas and starts to make its way to the east. pulling in some of the moisture from this system down around the carolina coast. we'll expect to see showers moving in late sunday night into monday. monday, we could have some thunderstorms and off and on showers until it gets out of here by later in the week. we can't rule out any of those chances wednesday through thursday. sunset time, can 1. northeast winds on the bay, talking about the preakness, wetters already starting to get out on the water. nice day for you as well. 80 degrees. good day of sunshine. beautiful skies, for tomorrow, 0, looking for sunshine early. clouds thickening later in the day with a chance of showers
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late after midnight. 74 on monday with better chance of thunderstorms, scattered showers tuesday, wednesday. 0 degrees both days. clearing by thursday. 82 and overlight lows stay around 60 degrees. >> >> still to come saturday morning. police make an arrest in the murder of two college students on the west coast. the the latest on the charges. security breech, you won't security breech, you won't say who police say was carrying,
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on my journey across america, i found new ways to tell people about saving money. this is bobby. say hello bobby. hello bobby. (laughter) hello bobby. do you know you could save hundreds on car insurance over the phone, online or at your local geico office? tell us bobby, what would you do with all those savings? hire a better ventriloquist. your lips are moving. (huge laughter erupts) hire a better ventriloquist. your lips are moving.
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welcome back to "eyewitness news" saturday morning. it's 6:47. 49 degrees and clear on this preakness stakes day >> two men behind bars this morning charged in the murders of two university of southern california students. two students sitting in the car at the time of their death. the motive for the killing is still under investigation. >> >> a u. s. airways pilot is hauled away in handcuffs after a loaded gun is allegedly found in his carry on bag.
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brett deider was going through the airport in buffalo airport when a scan showed a loaded revolver. i it was flown in from virginia where the firearm went undetected. . police charged him with unlawfully possessing a concealed firearm. that is a charge that carries up to 10 years behind bars and a $250,000 fine if he is convicted >> a florida company reveals its plan to salvage the costa concorde ya'. the italian cruise ship still partially subamericanned off the coast of italyly.
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crews will patch the hull and build an underwater platform. the company said it will take one year to complete the job. >> >> senior class at one indiana high school adds a little color to the school's walls. look at this. they stuck 8,000 posted notes around the school. they covered the walls, doors and windows. no one got in trouble because the principal was in on the senior prank. she did leave one big post it note that read "clean up this mess --" >> still ahead on "eyewitness news" saturday morning. >> >> travel about two hours south and you end up in maryland -- solomon, maryland. this little place has received this little place has received a national honor they will
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>> if you go out looking for solomon's island, its an hour away -- . when we come back, we'll have the exclusive forecast -- ,
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first warning weather, today, 80 degrees. look for 74 monday, 80 on tuesday, 80 on wednesday. each of those days with a chance of showers and thunderstorms possible and then we'll start to see improvement thursday. 82 degrees >> just in the nick of time, a fast thinking employee this is a cal colobster and it almost ended up on someone's dinner menu. fortunately, for him, the orange and yellow spots got someone's attention. >> it has been given the name of calvin. safe -- so, calvin, the cal colobster -- what was it doing in the restaurant? >> somebody caught it? >> like you said,
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much more to come on "eyewitness news," we'll be taking you down coming up next hour and spca will come in talking about adopting a pet and keeping you safe from ,,,,,,
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good morning, coming up next on "eyewitness news." a few hours away from the
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running of the preakness stakes an the festivities are already underway. we'll have the very latest on what is happening down at old hilltop and how you can avoid all of the traffic traffic it will bring > the right to marry and get divorced. how a landmark lawsuit is affecting same sex marriage in maryland. taking a live look outside. it's shaping up to be a perfect day for horse racing. as we count down to the big race. will morning nature cooperate? tim williams tells us in our first warning forecast. i'm here anded crowds are starting to arrive. 137th running of the preakness stakes. we have a big morning planned for us, join us, won't you, when we return -- .
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map . good morning and welcome back to "eyewitness news." saturday morning. it's 7:01. i'm gigi barnett. >> we are starting to go up -- glorious morning starting off. sunshine and blue skies, pretty calm, winds have been relatively light throughout the day, actually calm at the airport. currently, no advisories on the bay, boaters having a good day. racing fans having a good day and anyone going down 20 down to the preakness will have a good day. temperatures right now, as you take a look at them. 49 degrees. 52 in oakland. new numbers will be updating in just a second or two. we are going up to 0 degrees. beautiful with sunshine, a few
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clouds out therent tonight, clear skies, 55 degrees. your complete first warning forecast calming up. all eyes will be on baltimore today as the facial's top or thoroughbreds take the track for the running of the 137th preakness stakes. kai jackson has more on the excitement building around town. >> >> reporter: with summer-like weather and thousands of people, preakness week got off to a big start. >> so much energy in the air. it's so cool, especially to see all of the female jockeys, so talented. having a wonderle time. >> >> the sure bet is the steady stream of revenue it brings. the 137th running of the preakness stakes puts baltimore in the spotlight. >> this is an invaluable piece
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of maryland history, but it's an invaluable piece of history. >> >> reporter: hotels are booked. in receipt years, the future of the preakness stakes in maryland have been on shaky ground, business owners admit if the race left, it would be devastating. in little italy, preakness week is the business tri-fecta with the race, graduations and prom generating business. >> even with hotels and restaurants booked, the downtown partnership said there will be plenty of activities downtown. i'm kai jackson reporting. >> >> as many head down to pimlico, many opt to leave their cars downtown. the very best way to make your way down to the race, mark is here.
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>> >> reporter: good morning, gigi, if you are heading to pimlico, take the mta. forget about parking. light rail is an option from points north and south, $3.50 all day pass. points east or west of the city, metro subway will serve you. take metro to the rogers avenue station and connect to the shuttle for a short time. light rail. it will only cost you $3.50 for an all day pass. all preakness service starts at can >> right now, 13 and 1944 bus is running late. construction continuesed on the subway looks good, gigi? >> as pun one person will not be at the race, a very well-
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known jockey former hall-of- famer tom daschle -- he has been banned from the race, today after he failed a breathlyzer test yesterday. he was supposed to ride under ceo kevin plank's horse. plank's team quickly found a replacement and ramone do do domingues said riding the horse will be easy. >> you try to focus on your horse and get the most out of it. much more on the race coming up in just a few minutes. right now, some of the world's most powerful politicians are in western maryland. they are meeting at the g8 summit. president obama greeted the leaders as they arrived at the mountain retreat last night. this week, they will talk about everything from the european financial crisis to the car in
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afghanistan. mary is live in nearby frederick county with the latest development. >> >> reporter: good morning, security incredibly tight at camp david. g8 summit well underway. the war in afghanistan on the issue along with the economic crisis. the most powerful leaders in the world now now in one of the most secure places on earth. camp david. 11,000-acres of national park are on lock down. a "no-fly" zone with a 30-mile radius in place, fighter jets ready to respond to any threats. in the past, violent clashes on the streets for g8, but not at this point. since they can't occupy camp david, protesters were supposed to occupy this small town, but so far, not many have shown up >> what are your message to the g8 leaders in the mountains
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above you? >> we would love for them to show some compassion in every decision they make, today and take into consideration the faces of humanity. >> reporter: instead of camping out in rural maryland, bus loads of protesters are arriving in chicago for the nato summit which will draw the g8 leaders and dozens starting sunday. g8 represents the most powerful economy in the world. france, germany, japan, among the elite leaders here. >> if that continues, we are facing war. >> >> reporter: leading protesters to the site of the summit. >> we will not violate anybody's first amendment rights and i hope they don't violate our rights to peace and order. >> reporter: there were emergency -- .
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baltimore detectives said they spent months trying to stop a crime spree. now, they have made the last arrest. police teamed up with dea agents woe arrested 14 people part of a year long cycle of violence, suspected of carrying out two murders, six shootings and numerous drug deals the arrests are the latest roundups in recent history >> a key decision in maryland's same sex marriage controversy as the state's highest court unanimously ruled to allow gay couples to get divorced. megan has more on the landmark case that sparked the ruling. >> >> good morning, proponents say the appeals court ruling is a step in the right direction for legalizing same sex marriage here in maryland. for years, jessica has been trying to divorce her partner.
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>> we have been slit for three years. we both want to move forward. >> >> reporter: a judge refused to grant the divorce because he doesn't consider the two women really maryland. >> the impact of this decision is incredible. it affects estate, all kinds of rights that married couples have. bill legalizing same sex marriage say the court's ruling is a step forward. >> found ways to protect the rights of individuals and our state needs to do the same. >> reporter: but opponents disagree. a spokesperson tells "wjz" this is merely an example of how the court and legislature continue to be out of step with the people. the group said they have two- thirds of the signatures they
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have to put same sex mare ran in for a referendum. >> for now, i should be thankful that maryland, the state that i live in and work in and own property in -- opponents will need more than 55,000 signatures turned in by next month to get same sex marriage on the ballot for november. >> >> if the law legalizing same sex marriage stays intact. same sex couples will be allowed to mary in january >> we have some good weather. judge >> if you are going out, we can't >> if you are going out to the infield, spf, water, hats -- you can tell it to folks a million times. no one is paying attention.
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everyone knows it will be a nice day. have fun, do it responsibly and that's all we are saying. . >> daytime high, 80 degrees. 77 at post time. just after 6:00. wins from the northeast, four to eight miles, a light breeze, a few clouds out there. mostly sunny, today and a very fast dry track, so expect probably record time down around pimlico. 55 is our temperature, we have jumped up, the sun is up. we have hovered around 49 degrees -- we are at 55. calm winds, 30-14. around the state, temperatures
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ranging to 55 hagerstown. already at 55 as well. 61 -- dc coming in at just around 58. 60 in annapolis. 5 bel aire. winds are calm around the airport, a light breeze with a northerly component around the west of the state. a northwest wind -- and a north wind around the river, so everyone is feeling a light breeze there we have been watching this very psych dellic mass here. what you can take aqua, all of the temperatures in the 50s to near 60, going up to a daytime high courtesy of a high pressure bringing clear and comfortable conditions around most of the northeast, mid- atlantic heading toward the west. we have a disturbance around the carolina coastline. moving in our direction.
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adding clouds to our forecast by the evening. heading into monday, we'll start to watch this front approaching from the west. there are already some storms across the plains states, moving in. we'll have a chance of showers sunday after midnight and a better chance of thunderstorms on monday and off and on showers through the week until that system clears out of here. no washout, but we could have steady rain. sunset is at 81:00. northeast winds with no advisories on the bay. 6:37 is your next high tide at fort mchenry. hotline clouds, 55 tonight, 0 degrees tomorrow. increased clouds by sundown and a better chance of rain after midnight. 74 with a chance of thunderstorms monday, 0 and 0 for tuesday and wednesday, a
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chance of showers for both days, 82 on thursday with the return of the sun. still ahead, you won't believe who police say was carrying a loaded gun on an airplane. details just ahead. >> failure to launch. a space flight does not make it off the ground, we will tell you what happened. >> >> the place where you want to be, bigger and better than ever. the 137th running of the preakness stakes. in just a moment, we'll talk to a man who knows about what is happening today -- stay with us. >> first, here are yesterday's winning lottery numbers, we are back in just a moment, stick around. . ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> welcome back on this saturday morning. forious day, high thin clouds out there. good day of sunshine and dry conditions, a light breeze out there from the northeast. it is going to be a beautiful day if you plan on heading down to hilltop. we are calling it preakness saturday. that's what it is. 137th running of the preakness stakes.
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typically on days like this in the past, it will trigger a record day because of the weather. people who may have been on the fence about whether or not to go will make a last-minute decision because the day is so nice. high pressure is in control of our forecast, we are looking for a stellar day. our normal high 74 degrees. we'll be right around 0 before it is all said and done. currently, 55 degrees with a light breeze from the northeast because of the high pressure to our north. 80 degrees, beautiful with some clouds, but mostly a day full of sunshine. 55 tonight are clear skies, tomorrow, much like today, sunshine and blue skies, clouds will increase by the evening with a chance of late night -- we are talking maybe after midnight, showers, setting the stage for a chance of thunderstorms for monday. we'll talk about that in your first warning forecast in a little bit. gigi. >> >> thanks, tim, but first back to some of the top stories. we are getting look at a hospital in joplin, missouri,
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showing exactly what happened at the moan meant when last may's powerful tornado hit that area. you can see how the furniture in the waiting room is tossed around and then destroyed. eventually, the twister ripped the camera off the wall. a new hospital is currently under construction. tuesday will be the first anniversary of the joplin tornado >> a new private rocket remains grounded after an aborted launch. nasa says the space x falcon 9 failed to launch early this morning because of technical difficulties. the unmanned rocket was supposed to deliver supplies to the international space station. the next launch attempt will be on tuesday if the problem with be cleared up in time. senior class adding a little color to the school's wallses, sticking 8,000 post it notes around the school. it covered the walls, doors and windows. no one got in trouble because the principal was in on the senior prank. she did leave, however, one big
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post it note that read "clean up this mess." it is one of the oldest, most prestigious horse races in american history. thousands of people will be there for all of 0 the excitement. >> we are talking about the 137th running of the preakness stakes. it's happening at pimlico. mike is there -- all of the festivities leading up to post time. it is a beautiful day, today, people out there saying "am i going to go or not going to go?" this is a day to go. it's going to be a good day. mike is with us, the information par excellence -- a question for people that don't know much about horses. kevin plank, is his horse running? >> his horse is running. he will start out of the one -- >> a trainer in fair hills
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maryland by the fame of michael matz had this horse called barbero -- does he have a horse? >> yes, he does. 20-1 on the morning line -- . >> i understand they ran a race a couple of weeks ago, kentucky derby. >> >> i'll have another. >> >> reporter: what is he going off as? >> second choice of the morning. after the betting yesterday, second choice, 7-2 if you get 7- 2 with a derby winner, you had better go to the window. >> reporter: a couple of years ago, they made a decision to
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chain the infield from a party to a much more structured event and by all accounts, it seems to be working. >> the first year, we were boycotted, but we took a step back to go two forward and it was better in 2010. better last year and it will be better this year. >> reporter: how many people do we expect to come through the gates? >> i talked to my boss last week, he expected 112,000. >> so, you can still walk up and get in? >> we don't have a lot of tickets in the building, but if you want to come in the infield and get maroon 5 or little big town or probeach volleyball, we have the olympic champion -- and for those men, we have the ladies again. >> we'll talk about that in a half hour from now. so, it's starting to get crowded out here. in a half hour, we'll talk more
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preakness and maybe go through some of the horses again. >> just ahead on "eyewitness news" good morning, mansion up for sale, it could be yours if the price is right for $32 million. i'm kai jackson. that story coming up. . ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> >> this could be the biggest real estate deal in decades. $32 million. >> >> kai jackson shows us the mega mansion. >> reporter: a majestic estate nestled -- the owner built it and selling it for what could be a record amount. telling their 23-acre home on the beautiful river near the navel academy. sprawling compound is used to
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be a monsterry. it was bought in 2002. renovated the home, -- >> why selling it? >> once the kids are gone and out of the house, sometimes, you find yourself thinking this is more house than we want to take care of. >> it has 23,000 square foot of space. seven bedrooms, two swimming pools, a spa and a nine car garage. >> sometimes, a change is good. a change good for us and a change good for people around us. >> >> >> it could be a record sale, but at $32 million, who can afford it? >> there are people were other cities and other countries woe could see the appeal of owning a property in this town. >> >> reporter: sotheby's said if you would like to see the house, it's not if a problem, you have to be able to have your bank show you are a potentially serious buyer with
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millions in your. officials say there have already been enchoirries. we are hours away from the second jewel of the triple crown. . coming up, cracking down on copper thieves as "eyewitness ,,
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welcome back to "eyewitness news" saturday morning. it's 73:41. i'm gigi barnett. >> and i'm until williams. temperatures in the 50s across the area. 55 on television hill. a very nice start to the day, a light breeze out there, but sunshine, blue skies, it's going to be a gorgeous day for anything you have planned
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outside. a lot of events going on around the state and of course, the biggest one we have been focused on, the 137th running of the preakness stakes. that weather go off without a hitch, weather-wise. 56 on the shore. 54 in oakland and our forecast looks like this. 80 degrees. beautiful with some clouds out there. tomorrow include clouds increase late in the day. our normal high. 4, we'll go well past that. your completed updated forecast. talk about rain moving on all eyes will be on baltimore as the top thoroughbreds take the track for the 137th running of the preakness stakes. the race is filling city streets, and restaurants and
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hotels. current ai jackson has more about the excitement building. >> >> reporter: preakness week got off to a great star. >> there is so much energy in the air. so cool especially to see all of the fee maim jockeys, they have so talented. we are having a wonderful time. >> the sure bet is the steady stream of revenue it brings. 137th running of preakness stakes puts baltimore in the national spotlight, so do events leading up to this date judge in is an invaluable piece of maryland history. >> reporter: hotels are booked. the new four seasons said it is 90% full.
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>> i think without a doubt, without the preakness in maryland, it will be very defense nateing, permly and professionally. >> >> the downtown partnership said it will be plenty after activities downtown. i'm kai jackson reporting, back to you >> downtown partnership said they believe there will be plenty of places to dine before and after the race. despite all of the hype, facebook's fares day of trading fell flat after surging 10% in the opening minutes, shares returned to their initial offering price, leaving investors 23-cents richer. the company's plan to make more money for shareholders doesn't appear as clear as tech rivals
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like google. -- nearly 200 pains of documents, photos, video and audio recordings, all released and made public. all evidence in the trayvon martin case. mark strassman is going through it all and he reports to "wjz" from sanford, florida. >> reporter: in the surveillance video, trayvon martin had 20 minute live. he left this convenience store with skittles and a can of iced tea and headed into a confrontation with george zimmerman. >> there is a black guy down, it looks like he has been shot. >> reporter: in the seven inch detail,s of the fight,
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zimmerman's facial injuries, broken nose, two black eyes, gashes in the back of his head. nearby, his .9-millimeter gun. lying on the ground, martin's cell phone. paramedics found him lying on his stomach. the can of iced tea still cold in his sweatshirt pocket. they performed cpr unsuccessfully for six minutes -- . >> reporter: martin's autopsy showed he was shot through the heart. gun powder wounds suggested zimmerman shot him from no more than 1 inches away. the trajectory was horizontal. martin was hurt in the fight, blood on his hair, a bruise around the eye. no eye witness saw the shot, but an unidentified one called witness 6 said he saw martin beating on zimmerman. >> the one on top was throwing
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down blows -- >> but officers say three times zimmerman refused to go to the hospital. early sanford police report maintained the confrontation was ultimately avoidable by zimmerman if he had remained in his vehicle and awaited the arrival of law enforcement. zimmerman remains free on bond and is reportedly in hiding. a baltimore county man recovering as police say his son stabbed him multiple times. it happened last night in owings mills, investigators say the father, in his mid-50's's and his 23-year-old son got into an argument. by the time officers arrived, they found the pore father with multiple stab wounds. both were taken to the hospital nearby. they should be okay, but charges are pending against the sun. >> >> it's literally a ripoff with thieves taking off with copper
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police are beefing up their efforts to catch copper crooks. >> surveillance video shows thieveses stealing copper down spouts from from this maryland home in a "wjz" investigation from february. brazen in broad daylight, but only a shadow of what is being taken. metal pipes, coils, wire, gutters, >> reporter: today, baltimore county police announced the first task force in the state to target thefts. including a increase in copper thefts. it's often impossible to separate out what has been stolen. for homeowners, the thefts are personal. >> it created vulnerability. >> one someone steals an air conditioner to get the copper
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coil out. they have to damage the air conditioner to get the small amount of copper that is in the air conditioner. >> >> it's a way to trace our products and help improve so we can find those parties that have been responsible that's because bges is a prime target for copper thieves. everything from power poles to substations have been hit, leaving thousands of dollars in damage. besides damage and dollar loss. bge said copper thieves have caused power outages, leaving some customers in the dark. don't miss out on easy ways to save money when it comes to your home in spring. mary has more on how you can be an energy saver. >> reporter: programmable thermostats. the average household spends
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more than $2,200 a year on energy. thank you, mary. for more information on how you can be an energy saver go to "wjz." com. scroll down the right-hand side of the page and click on our special section. >> >> speaking of energy savers -- people need to save their energy, today because it will be a straight sunshine day with spf today, take heed -- 112,000 expected at preakness stakes because -- stay hydrated. wear your hat, stay in the shade. a lot of people will have heat and sun related issues if you don't take heed to what gigi
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said. it's already a nice day. temperatures in the 50s, going up to 80 degrees. clouds will not offer you much by way of any relief from the sun, but you will need to just stay covered. keep your hat on your head. high, 80 degrees. post time. 77. a few clouds out there with a light breeze. calm winds, right now. we are at 55 degrees. 68% relative humidity currently. barometer is very high. high pressure to our north bringing up the northeast wind and a lot of sunshine. dry conditions. 48 in cumberland. temperatures in the 50s across the state. 61 at the river. immediate metro area. 50 in bel aire. 52 in west mintier and 55 in columbia to rock hall. >> talking about the north, northeast wind. bit of a northwest flow in some areas, but the high is to our
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north. we are going to be watching this system moving into our direction. rain from the dakotas all the way back to nevada. starting to movie our direction and starting to fill in with some of the moisture down around the carolina coastline and extended toward the gulf. as it gets here, we'll start to see the clouds increasing. but in the meantime, all of these storms that are down off the eastern shore of carolina and down around florida will stay down there. just some high thin clouds ahead of it. what we are going to be paying attention to, a chance of thunderstormses heading into monday. pleasant conditions until then. as the systems start to fill in, the low gets pulled to the north. the front from the west starts
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to movie our direction, bringing a chance for thunderstorms monday, scattered showers tuesday an wednesday and we'll start to see improvement on thursday. temperatures staying in the 0s through the week. . 80 degrees, today, down to 55 tonight, clear skies, tomorrow, 80 degrees. again, 74 on monday and back to the 80s for tuesday, wednesday and thursday, 82 on thursday. overnight lows around 60 degrees. still to come on "eyewitness news" saturday morning. protecting yourself from dog bites. in the studio with the do's and don't's and everything you need to know to stay safe -- . ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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this guy here, somewhat the orize -- dr. organizizer. i have seen this before. this is one of the guyses that charts it all out. gets it figured out -- and comes with the bible. >> you have to look like you know what you are doing. >> of your group. they don't want to be on, but i want to show you something real quick. those guys. they don't want to be on. of this group of you guys, who has come back or has anybody left here with alot of 0 money. >> oh, yeah. the guy in the blue shirt gets awful nervous. we have had some good news.
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the unfortunate situation was when barbero broke his leg. we were big win are #ers then. . -- you are, by far, the nicest people we have met from pittsburgh. who are you betting on? >> number six >> seven. . enjoy yourselves, thank you, fellows -- .
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mike, thank you very much. reporting live -- nice effort people ever from pittsburgh. >> >> still to come. maryland spca in the house with more on how you can protect yourself from dog bites. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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>> not a fun experience. it can be prevented. >> >> here from the spca, tips on how to deal with a stray or even a nervous pup. >> >> there is more potential for injury, which we want to avoid, in the summer time. normally, i would have a little
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puppy or dog. ours is a little overexcited. so he is not joining us, now. >> what is his name? >> mufasa -- . we still want to mention, go to the spca and see all of the dogs and cats available. >> we are open today. spca open at 11:00. come visit us. >> there are things you can do to keep everybody safe. kids are often the victims of dog bites. you want to make sure you are supervising any kids and dogs that are together. you don't want to leave them alone. supervise. the other thing you want to do is neuter your dog. a neutered dog is less likely to bite. that's a safety precaution you can take and exercise, training, socialzation, all of those good things, if you have a tired dog, more likely to get into trouble. >> and take the energy level
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down. >> i have always heard let the dog sniff you first? you can always ask the owner and go under the chin an let the dog smell you. >> i proud some things to make sure you don't interfere with the dog if he is chewing on a bone leave him alone. >> it's all about respect. . thank you. >> thank you so much and of course, spca. org. >> we are ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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it's going to be a very
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nice day. 0 degrees. >> that is end of our report for this saturday morning. i want to go another hour, tim. >> good-bye. >> >> we are still here. >> >> come down to the spca. >> open at 11:00, today. >> >>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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